Test Test2 | Page 10

I Volunteered for This?! Life on an Archaeological Dig sor. If some of the workers also have had previous experience, this can provide a healthy ratio in the digging trench of only two or three novice workers to each trained worker or staff member. A ratio much larger than this will result in poor learning and sloppy archaeology. How long is the digging season? Volunteer digging “sessions” on different projects may range from one or two weeks to six weeks or longer. Generally, the longer the minimum required length of stay, the better the training experience—and the more careful the digging. How much will it cost? Patti O’Connor The recording system at a dig depends on establishing fixed points to which locations of finds may be referred. After the surveyor’s measurements provide these fixed points, field supervisors incorporate them into their detailed logs. Don’t shop for bargains in an experience which can last a lifetime. A high price tag by itself does nor guarantee the quality of a project, but—as in most other things—you usually get what you pay for. How will the field work be organized? Will volunteers do all hand-tool work, or will there be hir Y