Inspection report : South Craven School , 12 – 13 March 2013 3 of 9
Full report
Information about this school
• This is a much larger-than-average-sized school . It converted to academy status on May 1 2011 . When the predecessor school , a specialist engineering and technology college , was last inspected by Ofsted , it was judged to be good .
• The school meets the current government floor standards , which set the minimum expectations for students ’ attainment and progress .
• The percentage of students supported by the pupil premium , which provides additional funding for students known to be eligible for free school meals , for those looked after by the local authority or from service families is below average .
• There is a below-average proportion of students from minority ethnic heritages and the percentage of students with English as an additional language is also below that usually found .
• The proportion of students supported at school action is broadly in line with the national picture . The proportion supported at school action plus , or with a statement of special educational needs is above average .
• The school has enhanced provision for students with high-functioning autism and provides outreach support for other schools in the Craven district which have autistic students on roll .
• It is a member of the Red Kite Alliance , a teaching school alliance based at Harrogate Grammar School .
• Small numbers of students attend a range of vocational courses at Keighley College , Craven College and Skipton Fire Station .
What does the school need to do to improve further ?
• Further accelerate students ’ achievement by :
ensuring that all teachers provide opportunities for students to respond to the feedback they receive on their work and progress
continuing to develop teachers ’ questioning techniques so that an even greater proportion of more-able students attain the higher examination grades .