School report
South Craven School
Holme Lane , Cross Hills , Keighley , West Yorkshire , BD20 7RL
Inspection dates |
12 – 13 March 2013 |
Overall effectiveness |
Previous inspection :
This inspection :
Not previously inspected
1 |
Achievement of pupils |
Outstanding |
1 |
Quality of teaching |
Outstanding |
1 |
Behaviour and safety of pupils |
Outstanding |
1 |
Leadership and management |
Outstanding |
1 |
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils
This is an outstanding school .
• The achievement of all groups of students is outstanding . In the main school , students make exceptional progress in their studies and reach well above average , and on occasion , exceptionally high standards in academic and vocational subjects by the time they leave . As a result , they are extremely well-prepared for the next stage in their education or for the world of work .
• The excellent curriculum is under continuous review and is designed to meet the needs of individuals . The school is proud to celebrate the legacy of engineering and technology status and all students continue to follow a technology subject in Key Stage 4 .
• There is a rich range of academic and vocational programmes in the outstanding sixth form . Students feel valued as individuals and say that the school does all it can to prepare them for the rigours of sixth-form study .
• Students receive outstanding support and guidance during their courses and when they are applying for jobs or for courses in further and higher education . Increasing numbers are entering prestigious universities and former students often come back to school to talk about their experiences or even to take up positions on the staff .
• Comments such as , ‘ The whole school is united ’ and ‘ We recognise individual successes ’ demonstrate how very proud students are of their school . They are happy in school and feel safe . Behaviour in lessons and around school is outstanding and students are very keen to learn .
• An overriding emphasis on improving teaching and sharing exemplary practice with and across departments has led to outstanding teaching in all areas of the school . Teachers are working hard to develop questioning further and to ensure that students have sufficient opportunities to take stock of the feedback they receive from their teachers .
• Leadership and management are outstanding . The exceptionally well-informed headteacher and senior team lead by example and their vision for how the school is to move forward is shared by all staff . Subject and pastoral leaders take full responsibility for their areas .
• Governors support the school very well , yet hold leaders to account with rigour . South Craven is a ‘ thinking ’ school , in which there is no complacency and in which performance is always under review . It is an inclusive school in which the academic and personal welfare of each individual student comes first .