Assessment of and for Learning
Summary :
Assessment drives instruction . Learn how to identify assessments , administer them and most importantly , how to make the data meaningful . At the end of this workshop , participants will be able to :
• Assess students ’ fluency rate and determine reasonable expectations for reading fluency at various stages of reading development , using research-based guidelines and appropriate state and local standards and benchmarks .
• Select materials and / or create lessons that address students ’ skill levels .
• Administer screenings and progress monitoring assessments .
• Explain why individual students are or are not at risk in reading based on their performance on the screening assessments .
• Display progress-monitoring data in graphs that are understandable to students and parents .
• Administer educational diagnostic assessments using standardized procedures .
• Write reports that clearly and accurately summarize a student ’ s current skills in important component areas of reading and reading comprehension .
• Write appropriate , specific recommendations for instruction and educational programming based on assessment data .
Standards :
• Understand the role of fluency in word recognition , oral reading , silent reading , comprehension of written discourse , and motivation to read . ( C-3:1 )
• Identify students ’ levels of spelling development and orthographic knowledge . ( C-6:2S )
• Understand the differences among screening , diagnostic , outcome , and progressmonitoring assessments . ( D : 1 )
• Understand basic principles of test construction , including reliability , validity , and norm referencing , and know the most well validated screening tests designed to identify students at risk for reading difficulties . ( D : 2 )
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ info @ pdxreadingspecialist . com u 503.747.3491 u www . pdxreadingspecialist . com 5285 Meadows Road , Suite 378 u Lake Oswego , OR 97035