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Dyslexia Understood
Summary :
Dyslexia represents the most common and most prevalent of all known learning disabilities and impacts approximately 1 in 5 individuals ( National Institute of Health ). Dyslexia Understood will provide a clear understanding of the neurological basis of dyslexia . Scientific and peer reviewed research has shown that the brains of those with dyslexia show functional variations , and that these variations explain why some individuals — dyslexics — struggle to master reading , writing , spelling and occasionally math , despite their intelligence and effort . At the end of this workshop , participants will be able to :
• Recognize that reading difficulties coexist with other cognitive and behavioral problems .
• Explain a scientifically valid model of other cognitive influences on reading and writing and explain major research finding regarding the contribution of linguistic and cognitive factors to the prediction of literacy outcomes .
• Accurately map graphemes to phonemes in any English word .
• Recognize scientifically accepted characteristics of individuals with poor word recognition .
• Identify student learning behaviors and test profiles typical of students with dyslexia and related learning difficulties .
• Explain the reasoning or evidence behind the main points in the definition .
• Recognize levels of instructional intensity , duration , and scope appropriate for mild , moderate , and severe reading disabilities .
• Match symptoms of the major subgroups of poor readers as established by research , including those with dyslexia , and identify typical case study profiles of those individuals .
• Identify predictable ways that symptoms might change as students move through the grades .
• Explain the most fundamental provisions of federal and state laws pertaining to the rights of students with disabilities , especially students ’ rights to a free , appropriate public education , and individualized educational plan , services in the least restrictive environment , and due process .
• Appropriately implement federal and state laws in identifying and serving students with learning disabilities , reading disabilities , and dyslexia .
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ info @ pdxreadingspecialist . com u 503.747.3491 u www . pdxreadingspecialist . com 5285 Meadows Road , Suite 378 u Lake Oswego , OR 97035