Test Magazine Volume 3 | Page 4

National Strength and Conditioning Association Meet-the-Keynote Speaker Stuart M. McGill, PhD —2004 National Conference Keynote Speaker he NSCA is very excited to present Dr. Stuart M. McGill as this year’s Keynote Speaker for the 27th NSCA National Conference, July 14 – 17, 2004 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. T Dr. McGill is a spinal biomechanist, professor, and Chair of the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. He is the author of over 200 scienti?c publications that address the issues of low back function, prevention and rehabilitation of back disorders, and high performance training of the back. He has been a lecturer at many universities, and delivered over 200 addresses to various societies around the world. As a consultant, he has provided expertise to various government agencies, many corporations, professional athletes and teams, patient management groups and legal ?rms. Much of his work is summarized in two recent books “Low Back Disorders: Evidence Based Prevention and Rehabilitation,” and “Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance.” Attend Dr. McGill’s Keynote address Thursday, July 15 as he talks about his research and the relevance it has in the strength and conditioning industry. Dr. McGill will also be presenting a session titled “Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance” during the three day conference. We recently had the opportunity to ask Dr. McGill a few questions regarding his research. Many of the following questions will be fully addressed in his lecture and keynote presentation. Q. What are some keys to having a healthy back? A. This is a huge question. The ?rst “key” is to understand how the back works and becomes injured. Understanding the real injury mechanisms provides the strategies for injury avoidance. In terms of treatment, there are several failures in general practice. First, ea ???X?Y?X??\?[?[?]?YX[ [?[??\??X?]???????H?[?Z[?^X?\??]H[??\??????H]\?\???H????]]?H\?[???]\?Z[?HB??\?[??H?H[?]?YX[[?[?H^\??\?H\?\H\?X]?Y ???????????H HH? ????????[???]H8?'?\??]?\?H?Y?X????'H?\]Z\?\?HY?\??^\?\?H?X?]\?HHX\??[???Y?]H\??^??[??Z\???\?[??H\???[?H^\??\?H\?\H]\???^?YY?Z\??\?[??x?%Y]]]\??H?Y?? X?Y[???[][]HX[[????[????[???]H8?']?\?Y?H?Y?X???'HHX\??[????Y?]H\?]X?\??\?\?\X?[H^H?[??\?]H[?H[??\?\??\?H8?']?\?Y?x?'H^\?\?H?[??X]H??YH?\?[???[??Z[?[??H?\?]]\?[?H??HX\??[????Y?]H?X??Y\??^??[???HY?Z[?[?HY?\?]?[??^\?\?H\??\]Z\?Y ?\?H[?]?YX[??\?]H[?[??[?\??Y ?]^H[???\]Z\?HH?\?HY?^\??\?H??Y?K??H\\??^\??\?\?\?H?]X?[8?%Y?Z[?X]?Y?H\B???X????][??H?[[???X?H?]?\?[\??X?\?[?^B?X?\?K???K??]\?H??YH?^\???YX?HH?\?????X??[??\?H[?]]\?K?H]?H?][?[?[?\?H?????H?X???]\?[\???X?H?[???\???\][H\?K?H?ZY?Y?\?]\??[\?H[?\?[HY??\?[??[??\\?[?[???[?[X[???H[??\???^[\K??]\?H\?H??YH?\?X??[??\\?]??[??H\YY][????HH?^H[??X?HX??\]YB?\?\???YY ?X?{? X?[?[?[?[??]\???]?]?\[????]\?H?\??\???\?\??]?H?\??Y ?X\???\??Y H?\????X??[??]\??H^]\?[?[???????K??]\?H[?\??Y]????ZY??[\?Y?OK?Y?Z[??H]?H??X?Y?[Y\??\??YY\??\?[??H[???\?\[???H\???H[???[ ?HX^[][HY????]H?X???[??X?H?H[?[??Y?H?X\?[??H?[ ???]\?\?H\???X[??H??X?]?H[?\???[?????]?X[ ???H]?\?Y?H\????Z[?[???[??\?[???X[?B?XX?[]Y\??[???\\?Y?Z\??[?X[\??]???\??[??Z\?\?K?]?[???]Y] \?H\?H??YH[?]?YX[??X^H?[?{? ] ?^H??????Y\???\?Z[??]?H?ZY[??B??\???K??[?[?H{? [?H8?'H??x?'H[???H?X?[^?][?K??X?[]H\?X[?H^]?]8?&\??\??]H]?X?[^?][???H?[?H\??\]Z\?Y[?H?YH?\?Y]H?X?]?]Y\?[?]?[]\??\?\?H[\?[? ???YH\?H[?H[\?[?[???\??[???YHX?]?]Y\??]?X?[]H\?H[?[??\??] ?H?[???[][? ?K???