Test Jun. 2014 | Page 4

J Polym Environ used cellulose acetates to be biodegradable, especially under composting conditions [20]. It is worth noting that composting is a sequence of appearance of microorganisms with a constant shift from the acid to the neutral and alkaline pH region, in which the pH may reach values as high as pH 9. These are also the conditions, under which at least partly, acetyl substituents start to be cleaved off. The temperature in naturally progressing composting may rise up to 70 °C and higher by self-heating, which are intended composting conditions for the sterilization of the soil [21], (see Fig. 2). In an attempt to degrade filter tow with a DS of 2.5 under natural composting conditions at the laboratory scale, a temperature of 75 °C was reached. In this experiment the thermophilic phase ([50 °C) lasted for 6–12 days [6