Test Drive | Page 23

SEEN AND HEARD INTERNATIONAL - giugno 2014 Don Pasquale in intimacy [...] Every seat taken. What is lost in grandeur is gained in intimacy. And intimacy is at the heart of Donizetti’s conceptions. [...] The present carriers of the torchlight of LuccaOPERAfestival are two young, intelligent and imaginative local men, Mattia Campetti (General Manager) and Jonathan Brandani (conductor). [...] You won’t meet another conductor with such clear, purposeful indications as Jonathan Brandani [...]. Moreover, he makes this music spark. And sparking is what Donizetti comedy is all about. And nothing is so infectious as enthusiasm. And Brandani conveys this with his fine regard for the score’s details. [...] Mattei Campetti is the life and soul of LuccaOPERAfestival. [...] The stage is where he belongs. He came across entirely naturally, both vocally and in movement as Dr Malatesta. How often have you seen this role ruined by a bad parody of Donizetti’s comedy? Campetti has the presence of mind and skills to play it straight. The Australian soprano, Michelle Buscemi, has an impressive, powerful voice. [...] She also has a good line in sending herself up in comedy. [...] Cristian Diaz (Colombian) was nicely into the role of Don Pasquale. He has admirable stage-presence and firm, clear vocal delivery. The wonderful duet with Malatesta was a sheer delight. Grandeur is mocked in this opera. And that was taken care of nicely in Stefania Panighini’s staging, set in what looked like a nineteen-twenties film studio, with all the main characters being filmed at every opportunity. (Jack Buckley, SEEN AND HEARD INTERNATIONAL - June 2014)