Test Drive | Page 11

The chapter concludes with the description of a foreign case of particular importance, the Dutch “De Stroomversnelling”, in which the integrated approach aimed at creating an industrial chain, is particularly interesting. Chapter Four of the report Innovation in materials and building components, produced in factory and then assembled on site, stands out in many aspects from that one of building technologies. In the first case, as we have seen with regard to components, manufacturers have started a process of innovation long before the building sector and have often benefited from the effects of the technology transfer from other manufacturing sectors with high innovation standards. Concerning materials, we often talk about adaptive innovations, ie gradual improvements of the manufactured articles that offer increasingly high performance compared to the traditional prototype. In this study we will deepen the analysis of three types of materials: innovative materials, natural and from recovery, to understand the production process and the methodology of LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) in a better way and to emphasize an increasingly important part of the supply chain and to bring out the concept of development of the research and technological innovation pushed by the demand for sustainability in construction. 10 The fifth chapter of the report deepens the aspects of the green building occupational repercussions, ie the new jobs created and the need of training that the new professionals have, their characteristics, the compliance of the national education system to this demand that is rapidly changing. In an initial paragraph, the green building occupational effects are analysed with national level valuations updated to 2014 and forecasts for 2015. The following paragraph is an update on new training needs, studied by analyzing the companies’ occupational needs of companies, which brings out clearly how building specialized professions, particularly in the working class, are far and away preferred by the entrepreneurs of the sector and that these specializations have always to do with sustainable innovation. In the end, there is a detailed study for the first year, regarding the subject of health and safety at work, combined in relation to the production and marketing of innovative products and technologies for the construction industry. A wide range of analyses from which some positive trends are resulting, related to the introduction of elements of industrialization in the construction process, but also associated to new risk factors, for which it seems necessary to act in terms of information / training, prevention and minimization. INNOVAZIONE E SOSTENIBILITA’ NEL SETTORE EDILIZIO Quarto Rapporto Congiunto Feneal Uil - Filca Cisl - FILLEA CGIL - Legambiente