Test Drive | Page 55

Special Issue FEP functioning at a very low rate? Yes, associations have to pay an annual fee , which is more or less on the base of 1 up to 5 euros per member, and this is possible only thanks to and though the active contribution of all the members of the family. If all associations were inactive, how could FEP survive with a total annual budget from fees which is less than 20.000 euros per year? The non-member associations are like orphans: orphans too can reach the highest success, with their skill, practice and passion, but would it be less or more expensive and difficult, if they had a family? – The countries of Eastern Partnership became members of FEP not so long ago. The initial stage is the most difficult, you need to survive and move on to a new level. If you do not take the contributions into account, which can be a major obstacle to maintain a position in the FEP, are there other difficulties that need to be overcome? – I think the most difficult stage is to realize that being a member of a new family means that everybody needs to learn what they can give and what they can get from it. It is essential, in this regard that the new members choose a contact person, or a small committee, to relate with FEP and other sister organizations, to be able to read our information and answer, attend the meetings and events not just occasionally, help the local members to enter European competitions and assessments, etc. New digital tools such as e-mails, Skype, social media and digital clouds are able to do this kind of job at very limited costs or not at all. Our secretariat, President, Board members, the Chair persons of the competitions and qualifications are always available to share knowledge, suggestions, etc. with the colleagues. New members just need to learn how to take advantage of this possibility. Everybody has a position in FEP and shares a passion to do it. To “maintain a position” you just have to present yourselves to the rest of the family… and don’t be shy! – What kind of effect FEP has on the development of photography in Europe? The same question applies to new members of FEP (Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Azerbaijan). How, in your opinion, the entry into FEP can affect the development of photography in these countries? And what positive changes await them? – The up or down trend of the photography in Europe is subjected to a lot of inputs, both from the economy and the technology. FEP can only help make a photographer aware, while governing these processes is far beyond our possibilities. Nevertheless and more specifi- cally, I can testify that each and every time an association is able to gather their members so that they can share a project, an event, or a passion, this sets in motion a virtuous cycle able to help a positive development. The same is true on the international sc