Test Drive | Page 54

Eastern Partnership Photography ter a pan-European network of more than 500 certified experts who share a passion and talent for professional photography and all the related prestige and recognition. If you do not achieve this aim, this will be a spur to improve and to get useful comments and suggestions from the judges, a kind of an alarm bell that will help you better target your professionalism and to submit better works next time,” – says Mr. Scozzi. FEP encourages member associations to host QEP assessment sessions. The latest events took place in Belgium, Denmark, Slovakia, and Latvia. The next one will be held in Rome, Italy, and then in UK and Spain in 2015, followed by Poland and the Netherlands in 2016. “Why not host one in your country, then?” We asked Mr. Scozzi to tell us about the main principle of FEP, which is the protection of the rights of professional photographers. Copyright – that’s what worries many of us. Sure, has a copyright 54 cell, formed by 4 experts working in some member association, which they consult and activate in case there is something concerning the profession going on. FEP acts as a lobby, sharing information within members and pushing the relevant authorities, whenever possible. Something FEP always encourages and advises photographers to do, is not to give up their rights for free. Feel like a baby who needs to learn from everything around you, and no matter how good you are, feel as if you are always missing something someone else can provide… – Any national association concerns with the questions: what can FEP give to each union and photographers individually? What are the advantages in FEP and disadvantages outside the FEP? It is essential that the “product” that the Union buys for not a small amount should have a higher value than “goods” in which the money could be invested. – May I reverse the question? What a national association can bring to the European family and network? Showing new talents or styles inspiring the colleagues of different countries? A template for repeating successful events, competitions, awards, or syndical campaigns? The support of some good judges able to make smart comments and good suggestions, so that to raise the professional standards of each and all photographers? The consultation with some experts? The hosting of some events and the organizational support of some local volunteers, able to maintain the costs of