Test Drive | Page 20

Eastern Partnership Photography ries. Good equipment costs good money. I had students, who took photography as a hobby and wanted to learn photography techniques. The hourly pay rate was 50-100 manats (around $60–120). Just imagine how hard it was to tolerate the whims of those who do not understand that photography is art, rather than just carrying the camera around and shooting away”, the master of photography told me in confidence. Sadly, unlike in the former Soviet countries where they have schools of photography and multimedia, to say nothing of other foreign countries (for instance, the NY Photography Institute), we do not have anything like that in our country. Those schools teach the fundamentals of photography, the basics of studio photography and documentary photography, etc. They get support on the level of the local and regional authorities. School graduates get official certificates and have a world of opportunities to pursue. Alas, all that is left for us to do in Azerbaijan is just dream. The only institution, around which domestic photographers group together, is the Association of Photographers of Azerbaijan, which has financial difficulties and struggles to stay afloat… I would not like to end on a sad note, but this is reality. But still there is hope that the situation will improve, as photography is the keeper of time. It keeps the memory of the moments of our life. In photographs we live forever. SAY CHEESE, How and where you can learn to make photos 20 Page 34 Paata Vardanashvili (Georgia) Guranda Habeishvili (Georgia)