Test Drive | Page 2

“IF YOU ARE HERE, YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR CITY AND MAKING FRIENDS. YOU ARE ENGAGED WITH YOUR COMMUNITY AND ARE NEVER AFRAID TO SHOW IT.” -ANNA YI What’s in a Jam? A Jam is an event where participants help to create the future.The goal of a Jam is to grow a tribe of like-minded, forward-thinking individuals and empower this group with the innovation tools they need to make a real difference. “The methodology brings together a community and makes connections. The concept is to be a catalyst.” -Kendra Shillington Founding Partner Wethinknext @cityjam.us /cityjamclt @CityjamCLT City Jam is a framework that can be applied to any topic, such as educational disparity, food access, transportation, social and economic mobility, income inequality, and youth unemployment. As a tool, it is effective in addressing any societal challenge. •  We raise awareness. •  We connect people around specific social issues. •  We bring together the right stakeholders to design sustainable social solutions. •  We use service design & design thinking methodology. •  We inspire, facilitate, create, and solve. Come join us and be a part of changing the future!