Test Drive | Page 2

Acknowledgements This fourth volume of the Queen’s Political Review would not have been possible without financial support from the Queen’s Students’ Union and the Graduate School. We are sincerely appreciative of the continuing advice and assistance of Queen’s University Belfast’s School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy. Most particularly we would like to thank our guest editor, Dr Margaret O’Callaghan, for the expertise which she has brought to this year’s issue. ******************************************************************** Published 16 May 2016 by the Queen’s Political Review, Queen’s University Belfast. Any quotation of up to 500 words may be used without permission provided that full attribution is given. Longer quotations or entire articles of the Queen’s Political Review may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature, without the express written permission of the publisher and the author(s). ******************************************************************** All editions of the Queen’s Political Review are available to freely download from our website. For more information about the Queen’s Political Review, see our Facebook page, our website at queenspoliticalreview.com or email [email protected].