Test Drive one | Page 9

WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 A time I wish I just knew what you really expect from me. I do my best but all the time I get these question marks over and over again. I drift and retreat slowly into my cocoon trying to find out my flaws but all the time I come out empty. I come out bare like a baby’s bottoms with these rhetorical questions; what have I done wrong? Do I deserve this treatment? Welcome to my world where pain is shed onto paper through pen, where we express our pain and gratitude with hardcore writing. These are parts of the pieces that we read time to come to see what we have been through. That part of history that no matter what type of earthquake shakes our solid foundation, we will always emerge out strong and unshaken. Life changes in a flash of a second and we of all the people should be well aware of that. There are situations in life when the unexpected happens to put us in the test. Just a small “minor thing” and we end up throwing away into the trash the 90% good things that have molded our life so far. A life we have so nurtured into maturity through the ups and downs discarded into the abyss. -Kimutai Joel Victor-