Test Drive Noneillah Magazine | Page 39

Beware of ads with large pay. Ads that read like “models and actors needed for ‘put in any large brand here’ pay is $1200 daily and the job is 4 to 5 days….” Yeah right, budgets that largely get pros from agents, Not Mary and Jane off the street. Keep in mind that the SAG daily rate is around $750 and that is too experienced pro actors in a union that pays dues. are legit ones done that way with experienced actors and scammers are playing on that. There have been many scams where ladies did those and were talked out of their clothing by people saying “I need to see what you really look like” and other lines. Those videos then get sold in other countries and end up all over the internet for other’s enjoyment. Speaking of union rates… Beware of ads that quote union rates such as $752 a day without mention of a union. They are just pulling union jobs knowing you have ZERO way of getting the gig or worse, making them up and quoting union rates. Beware of Extras casting calls. Generally, large productions go through a casting company. Anyone posting things like “Extras needed to make a scene look real,’ ’Insert big movie name here’ pays $300 daily” is a scam. Large productions in small cities will post notices, but in large cities, they already have all the extras needed, unless there are some specific needs the extras agency can’t fill. Beware of anything that asks for lingerie, topless, etc. and request pictures from you to be considered. Use your imagination on what someone will do with those. Real casting directors will want head shots, full body shot (clothed) and measurements and ask you to try on their clothing at the audition, once one is scheduled. Beware of webcam auditions, Skype auditions and the like from people you do not know. There Small productions will post calls, but an extra does not make close to $300. Think more along the line of min wage or less. $50 to $100 may be more realistic. Do not sign up for any background or age (Continue on next page) © 2013 Noneillah ™ Entertainment, Fashion and Lifestyle