Goal 3
Strengthen School, Family and
Community Engagement
While our schools have the responsibility for student achievement,
there can be no doubt that meaningful School-Family and Community
Partnerships are very important in providing the support necessary and
preparing all students for higher education as well as for their future
careers. At AUHG, families are a frequent contributor to social events.
AUH-G endeavors to maintain close relations with the community by
encouraging student participation in nationwide competitions, and
celebrations. Faza’a, a voluntary community service program which
mandates a 100 hour community service on each student, is another
illustration of the school core belief in the importance of active student
involvement in social life.
Main Objectives:
Support proactive and transparent communication with all stakeholders to foster
trust and collaboration
Build partnerships among students, families, staff, partners and the community to
support academic success
Promote and maintain close collaboration with the local industries.