Test Drive eBook example | Page 3

• Section 1 • CLUES 1. Time can be inferred through the weather in the story. example: We had no choice but to continue on, trudging through the snow drifts, clutching our paltry coats closed in a vain effort to shut out the cold. It can be inferred that the setting of this scene is in the winter. When time is not clear More often than not, stories don’t tell you when they take place as authors prefer to show you than tell you details. Unless the story is a murder mystery where dates, hours, and even minutes are clearly marked, readers must rely on clues within the passage in order to figure out just when the events in the plot take place. 2 One way to go about determining the time frame is to look for clues regarding the weather. For example, if the story has hungry bears coming out of hibernation, readers can infer that it is spring (Author’s, n.d.).