Test Drive eBook example | Page 10

Mood is often tied to the surroundings in a story .
Movie 3.2 Tone , Mood and Setting : Elements of Narratives example :
The old homestead lay still and silent the year after we buried grandpa . Winter came tiptoeing in with soft flakes and gentle winds . Grandma rocked her chair in the front parlor , listening in vain for the squeaky hinges of the back screen door , a herald announcing heavy , mucky boots about to walk across her gleaming hardwood floor . She listens and waits and waits and waits .
The mood here is sad and sorrowing .
This video was uploaded by the Curriculum Library of Secondary Schools from Australia and New Zealand .


Mood is often tied to the surroundings in a story .

• Section 2 •

Movie 3.2 Tone , Mood and Setting : Elements of Narratives example :

The old homestead lay still and silent the year after we buried grandpa . Winter came tiptoeing in with soft flakes and gentle winds . Grandma rocked her chair in the front parlor , listening in vain for the squeaky hinges of the back screen door , a herald announcing heavy , mucky boots about to walk across her gleaming hardwood floor . She listens and waits and waits and waits .

The mood here is sad and sorrowing .


Mood is an intricate part of the setting , often working to enhance the events of the story ( Hill , 2011 ). Many plots employ mood to foreshadow things to come . Mood can be conveyed with descriptive words about the way characters act and speak ( Learning , n . d .). For example , if a major character stomps into a room slams the door shut , screams , and then throws her bag onto

This video was uploaded by the Curriculum Library of Secondary Schools from Australia and New Zealand .

the floor , readers can guess that the mood is one of anger and frustration . Mood can also be conveyed through the objects and background in certain scenes in the story . Words that describe the way things sound or appear are important indicators of the mood of the story .