Test Drive 1 | Page 4

  Where can you get Help? There are numerous places that you can go to get help if you are feeling bad or people are picking on your appearance. 1. Reach Out-Body Image. They are a website that help with a number of issues. They cover numerous pages that help you deal with different problems and help you get over all of the negative comments that people make. They have a website: http://au.reachout.com/Wellbeing/PersonalIdentity/Body-image?gclid=CI7N9P_IwrwCFQTnpAodQ2UAOg. 2. Tune In Not Out. This is another website that gives you information about body image and how to deal with it. They have interviews with people that have suffered with body image issues and others that have advice of how to deal with it. It also gives you advice on how to stop comparing yourself to others. They have a website: http://www.tuneinnotout.com/topics/body- image/?gclid=CKKAyfHKwrwCFYUhpQodjT8A_Q, You can leave a reply and get help from the website as well as other users of the website. 3. Body Image Movement. This website is a place where people can go to talk and confer with other people who believe that true beauty comes from the inside. http://bodyimagemovement.com.au/. 4. Better Health. Better Health is a website run by the Victorian government that gives you facts and statistics about body image and how to avoid going to extremes to get your body to look “perfect”. You can access them through their website, http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/body_image   _and_diets?open.