In addition to being familiar with different types of health and welfare plans, be sure to
familiarize yourself with various funding options for those plans, such as insured plans, partially
insured plans, administrative services only (ASO) plans, third-party administrator (TPA) plans,
and self-insured plans. It’s equally important to be familiar with cost-shifting and costcontainment strategies and options.- pg. 357
PHR test prep warrants a review of some of the key people, events, and concepts that emerged
in the historical timeline of labor history- a timeline that spans the history of our nation (and
some would argue even prior to that). Some of the key people, events, and concepts with which
you should familiarize yourself are:
o Knights of Labor
o Great Uprising
o Samuel Gompers
o “Bread and butter unionism”
o Haymarket
o Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
o Mary Harris “Mother” Jones
o Triangle Shirtwaist Company
o Electric Auto-Lite Strike
o Walter Reuther
-Before you take the PHR exam, you may want to go to your favorite search engine,
enter to topic, person, or event about which you want to learn more, and read, read,
read- and learn about some really rich and valuable dimensions of labor history- pg. 275
Be familiarwith the techniques, advantages, and disadvantages of focus groups. In addition,
based on the potential strengths and weaknesses of surveys and focus groups, be prepared to
identify situations in which a focus group would be the preferred employee involvement
approarch, situations in which a survey would be the preferred employee involvement
approarch, and situations in which a combined approach might be most effective.- pg. 391
Review best practices relative to progressive discipline and be prepared to answer questions
related in those practices. -pg. 396
Familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of mandatory arbitration
agreements, from the perspectives of the employer and the employee. –pg. 405
Be familiar with reasons why unions might initiate contact with employees within an
organization, and why employees within an organization might initiate contact with a union.- pg.
Familiarize yourself with the various ways, voluntary as well as involuntary, through which a
union can obtain recognition. Be particularly diligent to review current legislation- pg. 416