Test 1 | Page 11

11 Supporting individuals who are substance users City & Guilds Level 3 Content of Training Delegates will be provided with knowledge of £195.00. Group and membership rate are also how to support individuals who are substance available. Please contact us for further details. users by enabling them to adopt safe practices, providingcareandsupportfollowinganepisodeof substance use and supporting individuals' efforts to reduce or cease substance use. Substances would include alcohol, opiates, hallucinogenics, amphetamines, cannabis, prescribed medication, solvents and other volatile substances; their use may be experimental, recreational or dependent. The training will also cover the following: • Understand about different substances, their effects and how they might be used • Enable individuals to adopt safe practices associated with substance use • Support individuals when they have used substances • Support individuals in reducing substance use Fees Delivery 1day workshop followed by distance learning support, independent study and research, one to one work place practice. Assessment Delegates will put together a portfolio of work products, (including observation of workplace practice) which will be marked by the assessor, internally verified by the IV before certification is awarded via City & Guilds. 0208 774 4040 [email protected]