test 1 Astronomy - May 2018 USA | Page 9

NEW PRODUCT “Nearest Stars” a 3D desktop sculpture of the 22 stars known to be within 12 years of our Sun Using the most recent research data, each star is located correctly relative to our Sun within galactic coordinates and labelled on the engraved brass base. The base shows the direction to the center of the galaxy and concentric rings each 3 light years. Aircraft-grade aluminum, brass, and steel, and is 5” wide by 5-1/2” tall JMI is now owned by FARPOINTASTRO.COM But Jim Burr can’t give up the New Next Generation 8” Binos Keeping it “Beautifully” Simple Almost Zero Maintenance... Very little to go wrong Almost Zero Operation Software... No Rotation How could he after 4 years of redesign? See them at NEAF Unbelievable views, amazing design inter-ocular spacing. New faster focusing design, folding tripod. $4,995 These will be the only ones that will be made in the future. http://www.armstrongmetalcrafts.com 303-233-5353 • [email protected] [email protected] 949.215.3777 www.astrohaven.com Protect Your Investment! Preserve your library of Astronomy magazines with durable hardcover binders. Order Yours Today! Item #14007 $13.95 each MyScienceShop.com Sales tax where applicable. W W W.ASTR ONOMY.COM 9