test 1 Astronomy - May 2018 USA | Page 12

ASTRONEWS ORIGIN STORY. The first meteorites found to contain both liquid water and complex organic compounds may have originated from a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt, such as Ceres. MASSIVE ICE DEPOSITS FOUND ON MARS E ven though Mars’ atmosphere is just 1 percent as dense as Earth’s, the Red Planet’s surface still experiences plenty of weathering and erosion. In 2008, researchers captured a full- scale avalanche on Mars as material plunged down a 2,300-foot (700 meters) slope into a valley. These types of geological events often expose structures beneath the martian surface, revealing layers of rock, dry (carbon dioxide) ice, and even water ice. In a study published January 11 in Science, researchers using the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter investigated eight steep and eroded slopes, known as scarps, at various sites across Mars. At each spot, they found thick shelves of relatively pure water ice as little as 3 feet (1 m) below the surface. Some of these ice deposits were massive — more than 330 feet (100 m) thick. Scientists have spotted frozen water on Mars’ surface many times before, but this is the first time observations have revealed so much about its layering, thickness, purity, and prevalence. According to the paper, “the ice exposed by the scarps likely originated as snow that transformed into massive ice sheets, now preserved beneath less than one to two [meters] of dry and ice-cemented dust or regolith near ±55° latitude.” In 2008, the Phoenix Mars lander discovered similar ice deposits along martian scarps, but they were in regions much closer to the planet’s north pole. Since the ice deposits highlighted in the study were found intact along the scarps’ DEEP BLUE. In this color-enhanced image of an eroding cliff on Mars taken from above, water ice appears in blue. The top third of the image shows the martian surface leading up to the cliff’s edge, while the bottom third is the valley below. NASA/JPL/UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA/USGS weathered slopes, the researchers believe the ice is “cohesive and strong.” The team also found that the ice appears banded, showing layered variations in its blue color. This suggests that the massive ice deposits are composed of many distinct layers that have been squished together over time, pre- serving a record of Mars’ climate history. However, because there are few craters near these sites, the authors suggest the ice was formed relatively recently, in the past mil- lion years or so. Although the deposits formed quickly (geologically speaking), they also recede a tiny bit each summer, the researchers say. In one scarp, the team found that over the course of only three martian years, multiple meter-wide boulders had dislodged them- selves from the ice deposits, tumbling into the valley below. Based on this, the researchers estimated the ice is retreating horizontally at a rate of a few millimeters each year, likely because of exposed ice sub- limating (transforming directly from a solid to a gas) as it contacts the thin martian air. The discovery of these large reservoirs of pure water ice adds yet another piece of evidence supporting the increasingly held theory that water ice not only remains on Mars, but also is surprisingly common. Although the ice sheets could obviously serve as sources of water for future manned missions to Mars, scientists still need to characterize them and estimate their size first. But with the Mars 2020 rover just a few years away, the discovery of eight more tantalizing sites ripe for investigation is still an exciting find. — Jake Parks Stellar disks can form rings without planets 12 2 arcseconds 22 billion miles (35 billion kilometers) A ST R O N O M Y • MAY 2018 NO PLANET REQUIRED. Astronomers spot disks of gas and dust around young stars by placing a “mask” (the dark region in the image’s center) over the star to block its light. This disk around the star HD 141569A shows complex structure; rings and other patterns are often used as proxies for forming exoplanets, which are thought to carve out lanes as they grow. But new simulations using NASA’s Discover supercomputing cluster show that planets are not needed for such rings to arise. Instead, disk material can develop structure as a result of exposure to ultraviolet light from the star. The discovery was announced January 11 at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Washington, D.C. — Alison Klesman