TESS 01 | Page 8

MESSAGE FROM SECRETARY, SJJSS It gives me great pleasure to learn that Students of `Ideas’ have taken efforts to bring their Annual Magazine `TESS’ into reality. This is the Fifth year of existence of `Ideas’ and the first batch would be graduating in this Academic year, on behalf of SJJSS I wish them all the very best in their future endeavors. Last five years we all have witnessed the struggle to convert dream of `Ideas’ in to the reality. I hope, `Team Ideas’ is reasonably successful in providing quality education in the field of Architecture and Design. I am sure that though the beginning is humble, `Ideas’ would further consolidate its position in the years to come. From the management side, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the Editorial Team of the Magazine for their sincere efforts and hope that `TESS’ would get better and better in the coming years. All the very best