TESS 01 | Page 45

Maithili Junankar I Year HAKUNA MATATA How often have you been living life happily and then life slaps you in the face with something unexpected? We all have problems that will never go away. They’ll just change forms, like the Newton’s theory on energy. There would be many problems in life like health, money, people, society, and sometime your own mental state. However, everything isn’t perfect in life. But here the book of life doesn’t end. Life will always have problems, and the best way to deal with them is to let them be. You don’t have to try and analyze, fantasize or figure out your problems. The more you try, the more you fuel the problem, and more miserable you become. Life is such a big fat messy rollercoaster with both high and low waves. So let’s try and sort it out. Let’s put your life in a classroom. People putting you down – Dismiss People cheating on you – Dismiss Gossiping relatives- D (you can’t dismiss them) but put them into back benches Friends who support you – Front row Parents who picks you up – Front row Favorite music – “A+” Harry potter movies – on the projectors ;) It’s so simple, if you simply want to have a good day act like a good person. “Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think. ” “Loving yourself will teach you how to love others…” I just want to say after every dark night there comes a bright morning. “ Life has a very bad habit of changing routes, but you can convert those messy routes into a task and be ‘Khatro ke khiladi’, this would make your life easier and fun. Just take every problem positively and it will make you learn how to deal with it. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because they equip you with experiences. For this you would have to surround yourself with optimism, stop being unhappy. You are perfect, stop wishing you looked like someone else or wishing people liked you as much as they like someone else. Stop hating your face, personality, or body; love them, without those you would not be you. Be confident with who you are. Life is all about using whole box of crayons. ‘Laugh loud and when people look at you laugh louder’. Give time to yourself. Be around people and things who make you feel good. Favorite music, food, book. Friends Imaging yourself with an ‘S’ on your chest like a SUPERHERO. Sing, dance, play, and have some hobbies. If problems stop you and say it can’t be done; just say to them - “WATCH ME & LEARN…” Inspire people, help them. (JAI HO!) Rainbows, cupcakes, guitars, unicorns, bikes, mummy’s recipes, fun with dad, teasing sis and bro, fall in love, be naughty, be angry… And many more… Heyyyyy!!! Have you noticed that there are double good things in life than the problems? Believe there is good in world. You just need to discover yourself and just make your problems freak out! And say… HAKUNA MATATA!!! Life will always have problems, and the best way to deal with them is to let them be” 34