Tesi Robotica Algoritmi ed architetture per la risoluzione di... | Page 70

4.2. QUICK USER GUIDE 6 70 NO_INLINE=1 endif LEVEL = .. include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common Ci sono due importanti variabili d’ambiente qui definite : • NO_OPT : Disattivare tutte le ottimizzazioni del compilatore • NO_INLINE : Disattivare tutte le funzioni inline Per eseguire LegUp utilizzare i seguenti comandi : • make: run the pure hardware flow • make hybrid: run the hybrid flow. • make v: simulate the output Verilog file with Modelsim in textual mode • make w: simulate the output Verilog file with Modelsim and show waveforms • make hybridsim: run the hybrid flow and simulate the output Verilog with Modelsim • make sim_proc: simulate the hybrid system created with make hybrid • make hybridquartus: run a full Quartus compile on the hybrid system created with make hybrid • make p: create a Quartus project in the current directory • make q: run the Quartus mapper on the Verilog file • make f: run a full Quartus compile Verilog file • make watch: debug the hardware implementation by comparing a Modelsim simulation trace to a pure software trace. See make watch. • make tiger: compile C to MIPS assembly • make emul: simulate MIPS assembly on GXemul MIPS emulator • make dot: compile all .dot graph files in the current directory into .ps files