T'es branche?, 2nd Ed (Student Workbooks) T'es branché? Level 2 Pre-AP Reading Workbook | Page 3

Introduction Reading in a second language calls for fast, automatic deciphering of meaning and access to the lexicon (mental dictionary). This means building speed and fluency and learning to recognize an increasing number of words in the new language. A successful world language reading program offers students opportunities to learn vocabulary in a systematic manner and by reading accessible and varied texts. Learners also read more efficiently in the second language if they learn about text characteristics and different strategies for understanding meaning. Background information about the second-language culture also makes comprehension easier. The Pre-AP Reading supplement provides a variety of original and authentic readings for students to develop all of these reading skills in French, in a well-structured manner. It may be used to reinforce content learned in the T’es branché? student book, or as a supplement to any language program. The Post-lecture section of the Pre-AP Reading also prepares students for the multiple choice section of the AP exam. In Level 2, these multiple choice questions are in French, as per the AP exam. Encourage your students to answer those questions by providing supporting details from the text. Each reading includes: • an introduction, which orients students to the type of text they will be reading (tourist brochure, literary selection, musical lyrics, advertisement, etc.). • a brief biography of the author, in the case of literary or musical selections. • a reading strategy that relates to the unit theme; for example, in Unit 5, the strategy “identify tone” helps to connect the tone of a message with its meaning. • a graphic organizer that students complete as they read to provide a visual representation of what they understand. • a pre-reading question that allows students to make a personal connection with the content or theme by recalling an experience, giving an opinion, or answering a hypothetical question. • guided reading questions that allow students to monitor their comprehension as they proceed through the text. In Level 2, those questions are placed after the reading selection, so students may try to see what they remember first, and then go back to the text. • a multiple choice section to help students think critically about what they have read. • a writing expansion activity that asks students to reflect on the information they included in their graphic organizers. • at least one creative expansion activity that relates to the reading. © Carnegie Learning, Inc. T’es branché? 2, Pre-AP Reading Introduction iii