“Don’t get your britches in a bunch, Goldie, it ain’t so bad.
There’s plenty of places worse’n this.”
“Like the moon?”
“Nope, Smarty Pants, right here in Alaska. Hey, take Sitka,
for instance. That church waited a whole year for a stained glass
window from some fancy Eyetalian glass-makers. They sent it to
Stuttgart instead of Sitka. When it finally arrived, they open-ed
the crate and it was a Jewish Star o’ David. They went ahead and
put the darned thing up anyway, didn’t they? What the heck? It’s
a window, ain’t it?”
A little smile played on Goldie’s lips. “That’s not a very
comforting story, Rudy.”
“Well, yeah, but it’s a big point of interest now. Gives the
tourists something to talk about. So see, things work out.”
She reached for a dusty pleated skirt in McGregor tartan and
waved it in his face. “Okay, so, if the church in Sitka doesn’t mind
having a Jewish star in their window, maybe the Sister-hood of
St. Nicholas would be willing to give Father Innocent a nice
Scottish kilt instead of an antique Russian tea urn.”
“Calm down boss. Our boys in Vladivostok probably just
sent the order out a little late.”
Goldie Silver plopped down in her chair trying to control her
anger. Rudy was right, it could be worse. So far the shipment of
samovars was only two weeks late. The door banged open and
two plump women in cheerfully flowered dresses marched
purposefully to the back of the shop.
Nora, the taller one, smiled. “Okay, Goldie. Let’s see what
you’ve got to choose from. Father Innocent will be so surprised
when he opens his retirement gift and sees a genuine Russian
samovar. We’ve even collected a little extra money from
The shorter lady broke in, “You know, in case one of them is
really special, but it’s more expensive.” She grinned, exposing a
chipped front tooth.
Goldie winced. Every morning for the last two weeks, the
tenacious Russian Orthodox women appeared as soon as she
opened. The dear old priest would be leaving them soon, and she