Thomas Raleigh
Dr. Richard P. Ranney
Peter Rayder
Peter Reda
Dr. Spencer and Judy Redding
Pat Reddy
Diane Relyea
Linda Renner
Joon Rhee
Edward Rissland
Adam Rodabaugh
Jeffrey and Robin L. Rodus
Guy Rosiello
Julie Rothstein
James T. Ryan
John Ryan
The Honorable John D. Sabini
Charles and Audrey Sahadi
Berk Saka
Mike Sammut
Charles W. Schroeder V
Dorothy M. Schroeder X
Jason A. Schwartzenberg
Laura Schwarz
Joseph Sciame
Carlo and Teresa Scissura
Natalie Scolamiero
Suzanne Seery
Dr. Joseph D. Severino
Richard Shanley
Ashley Sharp
Joseph Sheridan
Jay Sheth
Timothy J. and Kathleen R. Shine
Ann M. Shurgin
Gene Sicignano
Barry Silverberg
Elena M. Sirota
Debra Sito
Diana Skurka
Elnora Smith-Watson
Bro. Kevin Smith, OSF, Ph.D. BT X
Veronica P. Smith
Karen Spillaine
Walter Springer
Scott A. Stanilious
Dennis Sullivan
Herminia Sullivan X
Suzanne Sullivan
Patricia Sweeney
James G. Taylor
Marcello Testa
Agnes Tomaselli
Joe Tompkins
Danilo Tramontozzi
Vincenzo Tramontozzi
Mary C. Tucker
Mark and Jennifer M. Turner
Giacomo Turone
Dr. Robert A. and Marlebe N. Uchin
Phyllis Valentino
Dominick F. and Andriana Valletta V
Steven J. Vallo
Peter J. Venaglia
Nick Vendikos
Edward J. Vierling V
Richard Vierling
John Vogel
Richard Vogel
William J. Vogel and
Joanne M. Simeone-Vogel
Elena R. Wahlert
Margaret Waldmann
David and Jane L. Walentas
John J. Walsh
Alan Walters
Legend: BT = Board of Trustees /
Steven J. Walters
Cheryl Washington
Michele Weber
Alan Weisberg
Mr. Marvin A. Welsch
Toby and Lynda Wertheim
Nils Wessell
James and Gail Whelan
Delora V. Williams V
Joyce T. Williams
Mary Woehrle
Arnold J. and Jane A. Wolff XV
Joni Yoswein and
Glenn Van Bramer X
Andrew and Barbara G. Zambelli
Simone Zappa
Brooke Affleck
John L. Afton, Esq. V
Anthony Anglade
David Arias
Vaneshran Arumugam
Isabel R. Ayers
Joyce A. Ayoub
Eunice Baptiste
Lillian Belcher
Marie R. Beneduce
Oscar B. and Camille Bering
Steven Berliner
Dr. Dennis J. and Lois Bird
Jean C. Black
Thomas A. Blumenthal
Eileen A. Bohn
Diane Bosse
Mary Bostou
Leon and Elsie Brazel
Judith Brewer
Rita Bryant
Stephen F. Burke
Anthony and Sophie Burns
Laura Bycroft
Marie Calder
Lawrence and Grace Calia V
Agnes Caminiti V
Charles and Dena Capetanakis
Joseph and Kathleen Carpenter
Daniel Carroll
Bartolomeo and Evelyn Castellano
Joanne Cavanaugh
Ellen R. Cherrick
Greg Chertoff
Judge Jerome D. Cohen
Thomas Concannon
Dr. Michael R. Condon
Jean M. Cooke
Joseph V. and Rosemary Cordella
Alice Corti
John D. and Eileen M. Cosgrove
Mary R. Coughlin
Marguerite Cunningham
Maria DeBlasio
Michael DeCenzo
Louis Di Meglio
Michael E. DiGiacomo
Kathleen A. Dimmler
William Dobranski
Joseph and Eileen Dorinson
John E. Dougherty
Michael Dougherty and
Antonia Merzon
Jeffrey Douglas
Paul Drazen
Burton and Linda Edelstein
Stella Eng
John F. and Kim Esposito V
Peter and Barbara Farrell
Richard Ferraiolo
Ronald J. and Patricia D. Ferreri
Barbara Field
Stephen Fishler
Edward Fitzgerald
Meghan Fitzgerald
John J. Foley
Nora Fox
Joy A. Frazier
Pinhas and Doris Friedenberg
James Gambino
John Ganley
Nicholas Geale
James and Bernadette Geissler
Robert and Frances Genco
Anita Gerasimchik
Christina Giunta
Gerald Glickman, DDS
The Honorable Martin Golden
Mary Ellen Golden
Joseph M. G