L E F T:
Phoebe Lee ’15 is one of several interns now at National Grid. R I G H T: Ginna Barrios ’13 is now enrolled at Brooklyn Law School on a scholarship.
M E S S A G E F R O M P R E S I D E N T B R E N D A N J . D U G A N ’68
Part of our mission at St. Francis College is to provide value in a number of ways.
We want to ensure that all our students receive a quality education, of course, but we
also strive to keep our tuition low while we make sure graduates have marketable skills.
But, perhaps, the best values we offer are Franciscan in nature. No matter what else
we teach, it’s vital that our students never lose sight of their moral compass. In this issue
of Terrier you will find ways that we are working to meet each of these goals.
ur new Center for Entrepreneurship taps into an
exciting energy building throughout Brooklyn
(page 8). We know that many of our students,
both past and present, are developing their own companies and our new Center is preparing students to meet
the challenges ahead. Powered by the inexhaustible
energy of Executive-in-Residence Mary Gelormino,
the Center aims to become a one-stop shop to provide
resources and access to information for our students,
graduates, and already established entrepreneurs who
just need a hand. We are already at work shoring up and
building ties to organizations and companies across the borough.
In addition, we are pleased to announce a new four year Nursing
program that marks a major new chapter in the College’s history. We now
have the opportunity to develop and educate students to become nurses
from the very beginning of their higher education careers. Previously
only students with an RN were able to attend our program (page 2).
We’re delighted that we have been recognized for providing a big bang
for the buck. Recently, multiple organizations, including Forbes.com
and The College Database, have recognized SFC for our sound business
practices as a college and for providing our students with the opportunity
to earn high starting salaries in relation to a low tuition. St. Francis made
it on other lists for academics and diversity as well (page 2).
This year, the College made a strong effort to reinforce Franciscanism
as a part of our daily lives. St. Clare and St. Francis Week was a huge
success with a full slate of activities that focused on our patron saints
and how their philosophies are still relevant today (page 6).
From collecting cans for a soup kitchen to a lecture
on St. Francis’ time with a Muslim Sultan, from the
Blessing of the Animals to an interdenominational
prayer service, we enjoyed an inspiring series of events
that will carry over in our minds and our hearts for many
months to come.
These values are being spread by our alumni through
their own work. Tabitha St. Bernard ’04 is just one
example. She’s designing high-end fashion but has the
environment at the top of her list of concerns (page 18).
We’re also working to help our alumni build better
lives through new Affinity Groups. These networks give St. Francis
graduates a chance to build relationships with old friends and fellow
alumni to enhance their lives in many ways, all while supporting
St. Francis (page 10).
Obviously, we can never forget that all of these projects stem from
one source, your support. The 2012-13 Donor Report (page 22)
thanks each and every one of you for your generosity over the past year.
Your contributions are the reason St. Francis generates so much good
from our home on Remsen Street.
Brendan J. Dugan ’68
S T. FR A NC I S COL L EGE T ERR IER | W IN T ER 2013-2014 | 1