Terrier Volume 76, Number 2 - Winter 2012-2013 | Page 47

Franciscan Brothers of the Third Order Regular Ernest Kehr ’35 Memorial Scholarship Scholarships Scholarships by the Numbers Julie and Anne Kelly Scholarship Franciscan Brothers Who Resided at the {265} College Friary Scholarship Bro. Pascal Kelly, O.S.F. ’33 Scholarship Franciscan Institute Scholarship Mrs. Nora Konkel Scholarship Frederick D. ’64 and Catherine Furman Scholarship I Ronnie Murray Konkel Scholarship Harold Geneen Scholarship Barbara G. Koster ’76 Scholarship Fund Hon. Anthony J. Genovesi Scholarship Dr. Nino Langiulli Scholarship Betty and Leo Giancola Scholarship Robert ’50 and Mary Lanigan Scholarship Drs. James Aloysius Gibson ’63 and Patricia Brozinsky 17th of June (Evelyn Margaret Laquercia) Scholarship SCHOL A RSHIP S {$1.16M} Scholarship IN SCHOL A RSHIP S A N D M A JOR GIF T S RECEIV ED T HIS Y E A R Thomas Michael Laquercia ’66 Scholarship Augustus E. Giegengack Memorial Scholarship Bro. Georg e Larkin, O.S.F. ’60 Scholarship Bro. Austin Gill, O.S.F. ’62 Scholarship Bro. George Larkin, O.S.F. ’60 Luminary Endowment Fund Bro. Urban Gonnoud, O.S.F. Scholarship Do ut des I give so that you may give back Marie and Bill Ledermann Scholarship Margaret and Thomas Groarke The Victoria Loconsolo Foundation Scholarship Dr. Francis Greene Scholarship Daniel Lynch, Sr. ’38 Scholarship Right Rev. Monsignor Daniel A. Hanrahan Scholarship Philip and Rhena Lynch Scholarship The Bernard Haverty Scholarship Frank J. and Sarah Macchiarola Scholarship Elizabeth and Bernard Haverty Scholarship Joseph and Michaela Macchiarola Scholarship William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarships Lucy and Joseph Macchiarola Scholarship Cornelius Heeney Memorial Scholarships Mary and Frank J. ’62 Macchiarola Scholarship Mary and Walter Henning Scholarship Michael and Jennifer Macchiarola Scholarship Susan and Roger Hertog Scholarship James Mangano Memorial Scholarship Bro. John Hoffschmidt, O.S.F. Scholarship Margaret L. McArdle Scholarship Bro. Edmund Holmes, O.S.F. ’28 Scholarship Rose D. McArdle Memorial Scholarship Dr. Geoffrey Horlick Scholarship Fund Robert McCarron (Bro. Isidore, O.S.F.) Scholarship Dr. Clement Jedrzejewski Scholarship John ’51 and Mary McCarthy Scholarships Cathleen and George Kane Scholarship Right Rev. Monsignor Joseph V. McClancy Memorial Monsignor John Kean Scholarship Scholarship Frances C. and Joseph T. Keegan, Sr. Scholarship Donald H. McCree, Jr. Scholarship In order to ensure that an equitable number of scholarships are available each year to the student body, not all endowed scholarships are awarded on an annual basis. ST. FR CIL –  W N DON 20 2–201 T    S T . F R A N C IASN C O S LCEOGLEL E G E R2I0E1R1  | 2 0 1I 2 T E R O R 1R E P O R 3   |   4 5 TER