Terrier Volume 76, Number 1 - Spring 2012 | Page 12
St. Francis Scholar in Residence
Fred Siegel and featured Mr. Warraq
as well as NYU professor and author
Paul Berman (The Flight of the
Intellectuals, Terror and Liberalism)
and Sohrab Ahmari of The Henry
Jackson Society, a co-editor of the
forthcoming Arab Spring Dreams.
SF C I n t h e M e d ia
NBC NonStop
N e t TV
St. Francis Provost
Timothy J. Houlihan
appeared on New York
Nonstop with WNBC news anchor
Chuck Scarborough. Dr. Houlihan
spoke about the College’s ranking in
U.S.News & World Report and
Forbes.com as well as the school’s
affordable tuition and its support of
the Brooklyn writing scene through
the College’s bi-annual $50,000
Literary Award.
St. Francis Fine
Arts Professor
Dr. Francis Greene and Religious
Studies Professor Alexandria Egler
both appeared on recent episodes of
Mysteries of the Church, a documentary show on NET TV. Dr. Greene
offered his expertise on the changing
artistic representations of Jesus
throughout history while Professor
Egler appeared on an episode
focused on Judaism, Christianity and
Islam. This is the second season she
has offered expert information on the
New York Emmy-nominated program.
2012 Winter Valedictorian — Hadar Burger
elling her classmates that getting by is not good enough, St. Francis College Winter 2012
Valedictorian Hadar Burger encouraged the Winter 2012 graduates to follow their dreams
with passion and to “choose to flourish and to succeed.”
Her speech highlighted an afternoon of ceremony at St. Charles Borromeo Church in Brooklyn
Heights that began with a Baccalaureate Mass celebrated by Reverend Edward Doran, Ph.D.,
continued with an organ concert from St. Francis Professor Michael Kaminsky and concluded
with the commencement ceremony which featured an address from Dean of Academic Program
Development Allen Burdowski.
Burger, an Israeli national with a double major in Management (concentration in Finance), and
Winter Valedictorian Hadar Burger ’12
Economics, interned at National Grid for two years, working in the Investment Management area
with her mother.
of the Treasury Division. She also interned at the NY Stock Exchange Euronext on Wall Street in the
Operations Division. She was the recipient of The Dean Willing Award for outstanding achievement in the field of business management,
established by David Haverty ’81 in memory of Professor Stanley Willing. A member of the Women’s Water Polo and Swimming teams
for two years, Burger earned All-Conference and Pre-season accolades. She graduated with a perfect 4.0 grade point average.”
Ibn Warraq discusses his new book.
For the College’s annual Holocaust
Remembrance Day observance,
Artist Edward Hillel spoke about his
Holocaust-related work including
photographs of and oral histories
from concentration camp survivors
and members of the French
Resistance. He said that memories
rely on the living generation for
support and that we all have a role in
keeping them alive.
C o mm u n i t y Day —
April 22
St. Francis family and friends
celebrated the 15th Anniversary of
Community Day with the theme,
Love Your Community. Students,
through a variety of performance
arts, presented Asian and Croatian
poetry, gospel song, and traditional
Hawaiian, African, Haitian, and Latino
dance. Closing the event was a
commentary from Ereola “Sade”
Falebita ’12, Editor of SFC Today.
Sade spoke to the crowd about the
importance of giving back to the
community in the spirit of St. Francis,
and leaving a permanent mark on
any surface or individual that you
touch in this world.
Today’s Terriers
N e w s 1 2 a n d NY 1
Yo m HaS h o a h —
April 19
N e w Y o r k M ag a z i n e
The editors at
New York Magazine
named St. Francis College home
basketball games as one of their
“Reasons to Love New York 2011.”
The author writes that the Peter
Aquilone Court, “has become my
favorite place to watch sports in
New York.” http://nymag.com/
1 0 | S t. F r a n c i s C o l l eg e T e r r i e r | S p r i n g 2 0 1 2
The Congressional
Hispanic Caucus
“Ready to Lead” event hosted at
St. Francis, with appearances by TV
actor Wilmer Valderrama and pop
singer Kat DeLuna, was featured on
both NY1 and News 12 Brooklyn.
Brooklyn’s Bulgarian Voice
T r av e l & L e i s u r e
M ag a z i n e
News 12
Accounting and Business
Law Professor Miriam
Salholz spoke with News 12
Brooklyn about the effect of media
coverage on the jury in the Levi
Aron murder case and whether
the defendant could get a fair trial
in Brooklyn.
Travel & Leisure
magazine placed
Brooklyn Heights on its list of
“America’s Most Beautiful Neighborhoods”, commenting on the
brownstones, leafy streets and
promenade, all just steps away from
St. Francis College. http://www.
ulgarian Tsveta Kaleynska ’12 knows what
goes around comes around. After first
attending Girls Leading Our World Camp,
also known as GLOW, as a camper in 2004, she
later returned as a counselor. When GLOW lost
some funding from the Peace Corps, Tsveta
volunteered to raise money for this camp that
empowers and educates teenage Bulgarian girls.
The camp, which runs every August in Bulgaria,
hosts 80 female campers ranging
in age from 14 to 18. GLOW is
conducted entirely in English with
workshops on self-esteem, teamwork, sexual education, applying
to colleges and others. GLOW
also hosts workshops year-round
for Bulgarian girls.
Kaleynska, who graduated in
May with majors in Marketing
Management and International
Business might be far from home,
but she still works hard to fundraise
for GLOW. With the help of friends
and co-workers from the Office of
Special Events, Tsveta has hosted bake sales, Hawaiian nights
and other events to raise money for the camp. And she doesn’t just
send money; a recent drive resulted in shipping marshmallows to
GLOW so campers could make s’mores. Tsveta has also recruited
St. Francis staff to help her write and edit grant proposals.
Inspired by last summer’s visit to GLOW from one of her
best friends from St. Francis, Tsveta is now working to create
a program where American St. Francis students work at the camp
as supervisors for college credit. She hopes this introduces more
American culture to the camp.
Finding out about St. Francis from a friend’s My Space page,
Tsveta said, “St. Francis has always supported me when I needed
the support. The people who teach at St. Francis
really try to help you and give you personal
attention. It’s hard to be away from home and
all of my professors have been very understanding.
I’ve enjoyed every minute of my schooling at
St. Francis. It’s the best thing that ever happened
to me.”
Noting that her first year in a new country was
a challenge, she talked about how many amazing
and unique experiences she has had because of
St. Francis. In 2010 she was asked to be a contestant in the Diaspora Models International Beauty
Pageant as Miss Bulgaria USA, mentioning how
supportive St. Francis was
when she was involved in
the pageant.
She has become something
of local celebrity in Bulgaria,
appearing more than two
dozen times on national
and local TV programs as
well as in magazines and local
newspapers, mentioning
St. Francis College every time. Even bigger projects are on the
horizon, “I was just asked by the Vice President of Bulgaria to be
the face of a campaign for literacy among young adults.”
Kaleynska is deeply involved in the St. Francis community.
In addition to her work at countless functions with the Office of
Special Events, she served as President of both the Eastern
European Club and Sociology Club. She also helped raise funds
for St. Francis as Chair of the 2012 Senior Class Gift Committee.
Helping others in need really motivates this senior. “My
gratitude goes to all the alumni who helped with scholarships.
I dream of creating a scholarship for female leaders because
I believe in giving back, and there are a lot of people who deserve
to get a chance to attend St. Francis.”
S t. F r a n c i s C o l l eg e T e r r i e r | S p r i n g 2 0 1 2 | 1 1