Terrier Volume 75, Number 2 - Winter 2011-2012 | Page 58

S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E O F F I C E OF DEVELOPMENT 718.489.5361 [email protected] Thomas F. Flood Vice President for Development Marion D. Boteju Director of Scholarship Programs Nicholas Canedo Donor Relations Associate, Prospect Researcher Sabrina Simmons Office Assistant Edward R. Stewart Director of Major and Planned Gifts Charlene St.Vil Director of Annual Giving I S YO U R N A M E N O T L I S T E D ? It could be because: ƒƒ You made your gift after June 30, 2011, the end of the fiscal year. Gifts received after June 30 will be recognized in the next annual donor report. ƒƒ You asked that your gift be anonymous. ƒƒ While every effort goes into the accuracy of this report, an error can occur. If we have made an error or omission please accept our sincerest apologies and notify us to ensure that our records are corrected. You may make a gift to the College online at: www.sfc.edu Please call the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at 718.489.5361 or e-mail [email protected] with any questions, comments or concerns. Emmlynn L. Taylor Donor Relations Associate Marija Wierzbicki Development Associate, Assistant to VP for Development S T. F R A N C I S C O L L E G E SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The generosity of our benefactors reflects and strengthens the core of St. Francis College. Your support helps make the St. Francis College experience available to students who might not otherwise have the opportunity to pursue a college education. Expanding these opportunities continues to be a top priority for St. Francis College. If you would like to contribute to or create a scholarship, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at 718.489.5361 or [email protected] You may make a gift to St. Francis College by: ƒƒ Check (payable to St. Francis College) ƒƒ Credit Card ƒƒ Wire Transfer ƒƒ Gift of Stock ƒƒ Planned Gift (www.sfc.edu/plannedgiving) ƒƒ Online (www.sfc.edu) A L U M N I R E L AT I O N S Dennis J. McDermott ’74 Director Vanessa DeAlmeida ’00 Assistant Director Donna Desiena Secretary STU DE NT WOR K E RS: Kenneth Chapman David Loutfi Megan Pynn Think you need a fortune to fund a St. Francis College scholarship? Think again! St. Francis College offers many ways to help our benefactors meet their giving and financial goals—and you don’t need a fortune to invest to experience the joys and personal growth charity brings. You can establish your own Scholarships can be Friends of SFC also have the scholarship fund with a established through option of making a contri- gift of $100,000 or more or outright gifts or a variety bution to an existing you can create a sunset / of planned-giving options scholarship fund at any term fund in memory or including bequest, chari- time. A comprehensive list honor of a special individual table remainder trusts, lead of all scholarships is detailed with as little as $10,000. If trusts, gifts of insurance, etc. in this stewardship report. you wish, you may further advance these funds by contributing at a subsequent time. Please consider leaving a legacy of gratitude and hope to future generations of SFC students and to a Franciscan tradition with proven results. Contact the Development Office today to see how we can help you become a scholarship funder. 718.489.5361 or email [email protected] 5 6  |  S T. F R A N C I S C O L L EG E 2 0 1 0 –2 0 1 1 D O N O R R E P O RT