Terrier Volume 75, Number 2 - Winter 2011-2012 | Page 52

B R O T H E R J E R O M E R O E SE , O. S . F. M E M O RI A L S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established in memory of the 10th President of St. Francis College. This scholarship is awarded to a student who has demonstrated exceptional academic achievement and shows promise of continued success. Brother Jerome served as President from 1952 to 1958. IREN E A N D V IN C EN T S A L A M O N E S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by Denis ’75 and Joanne Salamone in honor of Mr. Salamone’s parents. RE CI PIEN T: Marco Intrabartolo* ’12, Accounting Marco is pursuing his B.S. and M.S. in Accounting. B R O T H E R R O B E R T S MIT H , O. S . F. S C H O L A RSHI P A N N E T RI V IS O N N O S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established in honor of Brother Robert Smith, Trustee Emeritus, St. Francis College. This scholarship was established by his loved ones and the Board of Trustees. Scholarship established by Nicholas Trivisonno ’68 in honor of his mother on the occasion of her 80th birthday. Preference given to a student majoring in accounting; financial need and scholastic merit will be considered. T IM O T H Y M . S TA C K P O L E ’ 01 S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established by friends and family in memory of Timothy Stackpole, a New York City firefighter and hero of 9 -11. P E T E R J. S T RI A N O S C H O L A RSHI P Scholarship established with part of the proceeds from the 1997 Charter Award Dinner honoring Mr. Striano, CEO of the Unity International Group. This scholarship was awarded for the first time in 1998. D R . A ID A S A N T I A G O S C H O L A RS HI P Matthew Manzi ’12, Accounting Alana Jackson ’13, Accounting B R O T H E R G IL E S T U RB EE , O. S . F. S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by alumni and friends in memory of Brother Giles, a former professor of English. Brother Giles taught at the College for 38 years from 1947 to 1985. RE C I PIE N T: Jamal Aadil ’15, English RE C I PIE N T: Scholarship established by alumni and friends in memory of Dr. Santiago, a professor of Economics at the College from 1990 to 1997, who died early in her academic career. RE C I PIE N T: RE CI PIEN T S : Cindy Hernandez ’13, Psychology Cindy is a member of the SGA and holds the position of Speaker of S.A.C.O.R., the Student Activities Council of Representatives. Stephen Reyes Jr. ’14, Philosophy Matthew is pursuing his B.S. and M.S. in Accounting. S T U D E N T G O V E RN M EN T A S S O CI AT I O N / J O H N F. K E N N E DY S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by the Student Government Association in memory of the former President of the United States. RE C I PIE N T: Alan Bouchaheen ’12, Political Science L O UIS VA L EN T IN O, J R . ’79 S C H O L A RS HI P S & S T I P E N D S Louis was a firefighter killed in the line of duty. His wife, Diane, and parents, Phyllis and the late Louis, Sr., established the scholarships and stipends from 1998 through 2005. Four students each year will receive a cash stipend. The students must be firefighters, or spouses or children of firefighters. RE C I PIE N T: Lindsey Calkin ’12, Psychology Lindsey plans to work with children as a guidance counselor or for a criminal investigation team following graduation. D R . C H A RL E S S AVA G E S C H O L A RS HI P Scholarship established by Accounting [[[