Terrier Volume 75, Number 2 - Winter 2011-2012 | Page 42

2011 Charter Award Dinner Honoring Robert B. Catell and Michael “Buzzy” O’Keeffe DINNER UNDERWRITERS Gerard C. Keegan ’68 Astoria Federal Savings Leighton K. Waters, Jr. Brown Brothers Harriman John F., Esq. ’67 and Maureen Tully E V E N T B E N E FAC T O R S Barbara G. Koster ’76 Prudential Financial, Inc. Denis J. Salamone ’75 Hudson City Bancorp, Inc. Educational Housing Services Richard Silverman ’64 Bank of America C O C K TA I L S P O N S O R S Thomas A. Coniff Cullen and Dykman, LLP Joseph P. Coppotelli, ’63 Structure Tone Brendan J. ’68 and Barbara A. Dugan St. Francis College Kenneth D. Daly, ’88 CFA National Grid New York Alber Hot, ’84 Fast Track Construction The Honorable Alfonse and Katuria D’Amato Park Strategies, LLC Alan and Judith Fishman ISS Facility Services Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola St. Francis College William Hogan Net App Anonymous BNY Mellon Lorraine Lynch ’91 CTP Vice President, U.S. Treasury Waldorf & Associates P L AT I N U M PA G E S P O N S O R G O L D PA G E S P O N S O R Alive in Hope Foundation Peter Striano Unity Data & Electrical Services, Inc. TD Bank S I LV E R PAG E S P O N S O R S FNBNY Bankcorp, Inc. Ed Mafoud Damascus Bakery, Inc. Mary and Charles McQuade Cumberland Packing Corp Empire Office Futures in Education Joseph DiMauro, ’70 Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens L-R John Tully ’67, David Burke, Bob Catell, Michael O’Keeffe, Ken Daly ’88, Brendan J. Dugan ’68. 4 0  |  S T. F R A N C I S C O L L EG E 2 0 1 0 –2 0 1 1 D O N O R R E P O RT Dr. Frank J. Macchiarola ’62 with students. Paul Tonna Praxis Public Relations