Terrier Volume 75, Number 2 - Winter 2011-2012 | Page 34

Michael T. ’01 and Gina F. Strochansky ’03 Raymond J. Ridore ’04 FRANCISCANS Rosemary Brybag ’04 James R. ’01 and Evelyn Ciccolella Robert J. Dillon ’04 Todd J. Cusato ’01 Ruben N. Gonzalez ’04 Thomas J. ’01 and Patricia Dellecave Sherma King-Allsopp ’04 Jose R. Guzman ’91 ASSISI SOCIET Y ASSISI SOCIET Y Javier E. Heinert ’91 Christine M. Azzolini-Occhipinti ’95 Richard T. Finger, Jr. ’98 Jacqueline ’91 and Louis Smith Ian J. Goodwin ’95 Melissa A. Gialanella ’98 Virginia ’91 and Peter N. Smith ’58 Mark E. ’95 and Josephine Loughlin Karen Hare-Booras ’98 and Robert Booras Margaret M. ’95 and Anthony Sogluizzo Bevin K. Meade-Gibbons ’98 and Christopher M. Gibbons ’97 Marie F. Zangari ’95 Mark S. Nurse ’98 FRANCISCANS FRANCISCANS John J. Gillen ’01 Carmela A. Cona ’95 Mary Beth ’98 and John W. Carroll Meghan C. Heslin ’01 Janine S. ’95 and William Faustner Virginia L. Hanson, R.N. ’98 Beverly E. Jacobs ’01 Susan P. ’95 and Dwight F. Matthias Tara L. Luhrs ’98 D O L L A RS R A ISED $ 3, 8 65 C L A S S PA R TI CIPATI O N 4 % Catherine A. ’01 and Peter McLaughlin REMSEN STREET CLUB Arline M. Scotto ’95 Mariaelena L. Modica ’98 Daniel R. Woods ’95 Richard J. Sheeler, Jr. ’98 2002 B A LT I C S T R E E T C L U B 1996 Miyoshi F. Vital ’98 1992 D O L L A RS R A ISED $ 2 ,05 0 C L A S S PA R TI CIPATI O