Terrier Volume 75, Number 2 - Winter 2011-2012 | Page 14

The Heart of St. Francis — Giving Back Robert C. Sloane ’66 C O - F O U N D E R , P R I N C I PA L A N D E X E C U T I V E C O A C H , O P T I M A R K E T L L C “ I ’ve always believed in doing something significant as a volunteer parallel with my job,” said Robert. C. Sloane ’66, Co-Founder of OptiMarket LLC and co-author of the new self-help book, Fired at 50: How to Overcome the Greatest Executive Job Search Challenge. Mr. Sloane’s career is emblazoned with a number of high profile accomplishments from senior management at ColgatePalmolive to communications advisor for White House drug czar General Barry McCaffrey to marketing leadership in the creation of NFL Europe. But all along, he kept true to his beliefs in volunteer work, serving as Jaycees President for his New Jersey town, founding board member for a Connecticut organization dedicated to preserving Long Island Sound, helping job hunters at his Riverside, Connecticut parish St. Catherine of Siena and, in 1995, cofounding and serving as first Chairman of The Executive Forum, a Connecticut-based non-profit organization that serves as a resource to executives in transition to help them overcome hurdles to re-entering the job market. The EF currently has more than 300 executive members across diverse industries and functional leadership areas. “Now, after over 10 years of our work at OptiMarket with numerous executives who Robert Sloane ’66 overlooking the San Francisco Bay have benefitted from our job search coaching services, my partner Tucker Mays and I decided to consolidate all our advice into one easy to use reference,” said Mr. Sloane. Fired at 50 provides insights about how to overcome society’s age bias and make your age an asset in a job search. The book also recommends the most productive ways to spend time searching for a job. A long-time and consistently generous donor to the College’s general and scholarship funds, Mr. Sloane has also given many hours to current students in the classroom, serving as an Adjunct Professor for seven years. “After a long corporate career that moved me out of New York City and prevented me from completing my Master’s Degree at Baruch, I wanted to consider teaching at the college level. Shortly after St. Francis Chancellor Frank Macchiarola ’62 became College President he told me that if I finished my degree, he’d find me a place to teach,” said Mr. Sloane. “I completed my studies, 30 years after they began, with a focus on the emerging Global Internet Business area. Dr. Macchiarola kept to his word and just a few weeks later, I was teaching Marketing at the College.” Mr. Sloane later created and taught the College’s first Internet Marketing course, collaborated with the Management Department to develop an e-commerce concentration, and assisted Dean Allen Burdowski in the early development of distance learning techniques. Said Mr. Sloane: “The line from the Prayer of St. Francis, ‘For it is in giving that you receive,’ has always served as an important influence to me. And at a point in my life when I was considering going in a totally new career direction, Dr. Macchiarola’s wonderful words of advice to “go where you are needed” expressed a simple yet profound principle — one which I continue to apply in both my executive coaching work as well as through community service initiatives. I am proud to be an SFC alumnus and honored to have played a role in the college’s further development.” Learn more about Bob at www.optimarketllc.com Lt. Col. Walter V. McIntyre U.S. Air Force (Ret.) ’50 Inducted into the St. Clare Society posthumously, Lt. Col. Walter V. McIntyre USAF (Ret.) ’50 was an inspiration to many. Below are excerpts from two letters written by his daughter, Maura, before and after his passing. “My father… fondly attributes much of his success in life to the education and life skills that were given to him by your institution.” The second letter included a manual Lt. Col. McIntyre had saved from his time at St. Francis. “The manual states that the aim of the college was to prepare students for a life that emphasizes the valuation of life and his duties to his fellow man and his God. As a soldier my father continued to honor this imperative knowing that his role should always first consider others, support and defend his country, and incorporate the existence and wondrousness of God in all that he did. Family consumed these same basic tenets and with eight children I am sure you can see how important it was to be conscious and present in the role and duties of father. He would say that he was not perfect in either role, but I can tell you that he lived his life as he was taught – to be thankful for all that he had been given; to share in equal measure, to report when he had fallen short, and most of all to love even when it sometimes hurt. My father and my mother (deceased 2007) valued education and its importance in creating a substantive life. They were always interested in each of us finding a path that most reflected and refined our individual gifts. They created and fostered critical thought, ambitious endeavors, and sat quietly when a bar that had been set too low or too high needed adjustment. 1 2  |  S T. F R A N C I S C O L L EG E T E R R I E R  |  W I N T E R 20 1 1 –2 0 1 2 In closing I hope that you will remember my father in your prayers. I continue to believe that… St. Francis College will continue to aspire to meet the aims of a time not so long ago and produce young men and women prepared to meet the challenges of today with dedication to purpose and commitment to the humanity that surrounds us.” Sincerely, Maura K. McIntyre (executor) Christine McIntyre Diane McIntyre Ellen Kochu Sheila McIntyre Col. Andrew McIntyre Kathleen McIntyre