Terrier Volume 75, Number 1 - Spring 2011 | Page 28

A l u m n i Ev e n t s Treaty Stone Alumni Folk Fest March 5—The Treaty Stone Alumni Folk Fest featured performances by Peter C. Mancuso ’75, Emil Baccash ’73 and family, Brian Dennigan ’76, John E. Kiely ’77, Charles J. Eames ’74, Gene Eames ’79, Elizabeth C. Eames ’02 , Louis G. Pastina’79 and friends, and Ellen Tucker Emerson ’76. Gene Eames, Charles J. Eames ’74, Paul Cassone and Elizabeth C. Eames ’02 John E. Kiely ’77 and his son, Tom Young Alumni Mix & Mingle March 24—The Young Alumni Mix & Mingle was at Park Avenue Tavern, 99 Park Avenue in Manhattan. Salvatore Demma ’09, Anthony Mosco ’07 and Sarah Bratton ’07. Anthony Mosco ’07, Daniel Kelly ’05, Makwinder Kaur ’05, Nery Arcos ’06, Rosmery Camilo ’06, Danny Plaza ’05, Melissa Softy ’03, Kristen Ellis ’03, Anthony Fasano ’03 and Janexa Diaz-Figueroa ’03. Prospect Researcher Nick Canedo, Patrick Dugan ’01 and Brendan English ’04. New Alumni Directory Coming Soon In a time of ever-changing emails, jobs and locations, it’s hard to keep track of your fellow St. Francis College alumni. To help you stay in touch, St. Francis College is now working with Harris Connect to publish a new directory with updated contact information for all St. Francis College alumni around the world. The hardcover collection with help you find old friends and colleagues and can be used for personal and professional networking. The directory will feature an introduction with full color pictures, a history of the College, information on 2 6   |   S t. F rancis C o lle g e Terrier  S prin g 2 0 1 1 prominent St. Francis College alumni as well as photos and memories from your days at St. Francis. Over the next few months, you will be contacted by phone, email and mail to verify and update your contact and career information. Your Privacy is Important: St. Francis College values your privacy and treats your information in a secure manner. You have ultimate control over whether or not you want your personal information published. Please make your wishes clear to the representative with whom you speak.