Terrier Volume 75, Number 1 - Spring 2011 | Page 10
T o d ay ’ s T e r r i e r s
Cindy Luz Hernandez
M a jor a nd Minor : Philosophy and Chemistry
Pil grim age t o Assisi: The experience of participating in the
Pilgrimage to Assisi and Rome over Christmas break is indescribable. I was oriented to Franciscan values and was able to walk
literally in the footsteps of St. Francis and St. Clare. This gave me
High School : Williamsburg Charter High School
an opportunity to experience an environment completely different
Pe r son a l a nd C a r e e r Goa l s: One of my biggest dreams is to
from what I know (it was the first time I traveled out of the
become a pediatrician. This was a goal even before a childhood
country) and really evaluate who I am, what I’ve overcome and
health scare and I want to ensure to the best of my ability that no
what I want to do in the future. Sometimes the hardest thing to
child will face the ordeal and pain that I experienced.
learn is who you are. It is a scary process that
we sometimes try to avoid, and only when
Ov e rcoming Ch a l l e nge s: I live with
things become overbearing do we really
systemic lupus, which went misdiagnosed for
think. During the pilgrimage, I was able to
more than seven years. When my condition
explore my heart and learned that it is really
was finally diagnosed, doctors told my family
attainable to live the life of a saint. Our
and me bluntly that within a year I would
challenges sometimes seem overwhelming;
require a kidney transplant or possibly face
I sometimes felt that I was a victim but I
death. Through determination and willpower
realize now that what I went through was a
I was able to lead myself through some dark
blessing. It made me a thousand times
hours, which included slow deterioration of
stronger and I know now that I can be an
my health and a neurological disorder that
inspiration to others, because my faith is what
stripped me of basic motor and communicagot me through. I can only give to others
tion skills. I had to learn to walk and talk
Cindy Luz Hernandez ’13 at the Charter Award
what I received and that is continuous love,
again. At age 14, I began to overcome some
Dinner with Chancellor Frank Macchiarola ’62
support and guidance from my friends,
of these challenges and when I was 16,
doctors, family and my extended family that includes the faculty,
I received a new kidney, donated by my mother. With home
staff, administration and students at SFC and, of course, God.
schooling I caught up to my peers academically and was able to
skip the 9th grade. When I graduated I received an award from
Favori t e t hings a bou t SF C : I love everything about SFC.
President Obama for maintaining a 3.96 grade point average
It’s a small college, so you have one-on-one relationships with
throughout high school.
professors and faculty members. The services, such as the Career
Center and Student Activities, are great. The diversity and opportuAc a de mic P ur sui t s: Originally, I declared a double major
nities make being involved on campus very enjoyable. For the past
of Biology and Psychology. I recently changed my major to
two years, I participated in open houses, orientations and Terrier
Philosophy, which was always an interest, after taking Philosophy
Day for freshman because I feel strongly about other students
courses with Professors Gerald Galgan and Joseph Marino.
being able to experience the greatness.
I found out you can declare any major and still apply to medical
school, so I decided the best move was to follow my heart. I’m also
Schol a r ship Supp or t: I’m grateful for my academic scholarship
interested in massage therapy school and the Biology courses
because it makes possible my ability to experience all SFC has to
coincide, so I really won’t be missing anything when it comes
offer without financial worries. Two years ago, I would never
time to prepare for the MCATs.
have imagined being here, telling my story, and standing strong
for the students of SFC. However, I’m here because of a sincere
Ac t i v i t ie s: I immediately got involved on campus with the
family support system and the generosity of supporters of the
Student Government Association as a senator. I was then elected
College who have made attending St. Francis College a reality.
Speaker of S.A.C.O.R., where I served as a liaison between clubs
and the Office of Student Activities. I was in charge of more than
Inspir at ion: This quote by St. Francis of Assisi has guided
50 clubs, including an assortment of fraternities and sororities,
me throughout my college experience: “Start by doing what is
monitoring their progress and giving advice. I also helped a
necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing
number of clubs raise funds for different causes. My part-time
the impossible.”
job in Student Activities has been a privilege as has volunteer
work at the Hospital for Special Surgery (under the guidance of
my pediatric rheumatologist who looks after my lupus) and for
an organization called Charla De Lupus, which provides support
Learn more about Cindy and several of
and inspiration to young adults who are newly diagnosed with
her classmates in this short video at
lupus. Finally, through Campus Ministry I received the Sacrament
of Confirmation last May.
Home t o w n: Williamsburg, Brooklyn
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