Terre Haute Indiana Cross Country Town USA Visitor Guide 2023-2024 | Page 55

Collett Park

Griffin Bike Park

National Road Heritage Trail Park

The National Road is a historically important facet of Terre Haute and Vigo County ’ s economic development . As an All-American Road of the National Scenic Byway system , the Historic National Road offers unique historical tourism and recreational opportunities for visitors to Terre Haute and Vigo County . The National Road Heritage Trail is designed to serve as a 7.25 mile non-motorized transportation corridor linking eastern Vigo County and the City of Terre Haute to historic Fairbanks Park located on the Wabash River .
Trail open during daylight hours only ; Motorized vehicles prohibited ; Place litter in receptacles ; No pets larger than a dog allowed on the trail ; Keep pets leashed , under control , and clean up after them ; Travel in the right lane , pass on the left ; Use appropriate audible warnings when passing others ; Move off the paved portion of the trail when stopping ; Travel at speeds that are appropriate for current conditions ; Stop , look and listen at road intersections ; Stay on the trial ; respect adjacent property owners ; Firearms and weapons prohibited ; Use of alcohol prohibited ; Defacing trail signs and facilities prohibited .
PARKS | Guide to Terre Haute • 55