Terra Gecko Magazine : All about terrarium 2018/1 | Página 5

Breakthrough in amphibian plague t The researchers of the Imperial College in London, the Ghent University and the Broad Institute have successfully sequenced and identified the genes of the chytrid fungus. The chytrid fungus, which belongs to the Chytridiomycota, that is the phyla of zoosporic fungi, was discovered in 1998, but it had caused mass devastations among amphibians long before. This highly infectious fungus caused the extinction of several other species. The compounds of the fungus have an effect on respiration through the skin: they affect the exchange of electrolytes. The alteration of the electrolyte balance may cause cardiac arrest. A recent study published in Nature Communications magazine can largely help in the manufacturing of medicines aimed for the protection of amphibians. This reptile living in Africa is the smallest crocodile species of all. An adult individual is only 1.5 in length, and due to its small size it doesn’t need large rivers to survive. It prefers small rivers and swamps in rainforests. It uses camouflage, and we have less information about its behaviour and reproduction. The Czech zoologist hope that their research results may contribute to the correct classification of the crocodiles. Source: www.facebook.com/LivingZoology/ Antimicrobial material in the blood activity was detected in the serum made of their blood. Almost all organisms have antimicrobial materials, which form a part of the innate immune system. Several proteins were found in the blood of the Komodo dragons that are effective against infections, and which, in cases when bacteria are already resistant to existing antibiotics, can lead to the production of potential novel medicines in the future. t The researchers of Journal of Proteome Research detected an antimicrobial protein particle in the blood of the Komodo dragons that seems to resist infections that are deadly for them. The biggest lizard of the world lives on 5 islands in Indonesia. The saliva of these reptiles contains at least 57 bacteria, which are thought to contribute to the death of the prey. However, these lizards seem to resist these bacteria, and an antibacterial 5