I have been exploring feminine energy through portraiture for the past year and a half, a
photographic study which permeates even my subjects that are not women. I am operating from within the prism of being sensitive to all that is and represents the woman. When
photographing, I operate on a very sensory level, leaving behind as many preconceptions and
premeditated planning as I possibly can.
When we are together exchanging energies, conventional notions of space and time dissolve
and we exist in a protective continuum.
Working from the idea of energy and its honest capture being my paramount hurdle, I view a
change in plans to be an organic metamorphoses of the situation. To try to fight that or control
it is futile in terms of my ultimate objective.
Why not operate primarily from the senses? I try to mirror her desires. I ask her about her
thoughts and ideas for how she would like to be represented.
If we, as female artists and as female subjects, help each other in working together, echoing
off of each other’s energies, we are paving the way for new forms of female representation
and for new ways in which we are accepted in society as sensual beings who balance multiple forms of identity and frequencies.