Are you considering another profitable avenue for your business to venture into ?

Have you ever considered adding a new profitable skill to your business ? A Vehicle Wrap Training Course from Grafityp could be what you are looking for !
Grafityp can offer you the opportunity to learn the basics of wrapping a vehicle by attending their two day training course .
The aim of the course is to introduce candidates to the correct procedures to wrap an entire vehicle using the GrafiWrap Vehicle Wrap System . Their Vehicle Wrap training courses are designed to train to the highest level achievable . The reason for offering courses of no less than two days is because they believe that full and proper training in any less time is not achievable . Becoming a GrafiWrap fitter is now viewed as a benchmark and an industry standard .
The course is held at the Grafityp premises in Tamworth , Staffordshire , in their purpose built training area and lecture room .
The course tutor is James Deacon of Bigger Stickers . James has worked alongside Grafityp for a number of years providing high quality training in all aspects of vehicle wrapping from design stages to fitting as well as demonstrating on their behalf at major trade events both in the UK and abroad .
There is plenty of hands on training with unlimited materials ensuring you get plenty of practice in application . The course also covers in depth explanations of the material characteristics giving trainees a full insight into what they are using and how it performs as well as advice on what tools of the trade are needed to produce first class results . Removal of the product from vehicles is also covered during the course .
Successful candidates will be presented with a certificate endorsing their ability to wrap vehicles with GrafiWrap .
The number of people attending this course is limited to 6 to ensure that there is enough one-to-one tuition .
Once you have learned your new skill the principle can be applied to many other surfaces , not just cars ! You could wrap tables , cupboards , interior decoration or to create signage . The possibilities are endless .
Once you are trained you can get all of your supplies from Grafityp as they offer a wide range of products and tools needed to offer this service to your customers .
For more information on Grafityp Vehicle Wrapping call + 44 ( 0 ) 1827 300500
Visit : www . grafityp . co . uk