Tempelhof Zeitgest July 2014 | Page 3

I found it fun to think of Yankees Pin-ups invading a kind of lost post-war German town." - Sir Vasco commented when asked why he decided to open the Galerie with an exhibition of Pinups. Along with this refreshing idea, he also said that in future,the galerie would be very happy to display more personal arts , should any artist turn up with a need for a space to showcase their creations.




Along the Kurpromenade, glamour and culture of Berlin arrives on the shores of Tempelhof with the opening of Galerie enARTet ; Currated by Sir Vasco, a prominent and active member of the council (also rumoured to be a reclusive billionaire).

The gentleman kindly agreed to tell us a bit more about this idea in a brief interview.

Galerie enARTet opens with a showing of contemporary American Pinups

An art gallery seemed to be a nice manner to bring a bit of life here. add some spice to an already tasteful place" - Sir Vasco

The gllerie is open to the general public without fee though a donation box towards the post-war building efforts in Tempelhof may be available for those wishing to contribute to the betterment of our beloved islanders.