Tempelhof Zeitgest August 2014 | Page 6

The HQ Girls

The HQ is also home to some very special women who serve the Kommandantur as house slaves.

This feature aims to celebrate and introduce these women of the HQ in their own words


Dark haired and doe-eyed Bri is our

pin-up girl for this month.

Not only is she beautiful; she is also talented and it is my pleasure to introduce her art work alongside her words in this little featurette.

How did you come to the HQ?

Sir Jordan told me to come over an check the place out... he is an dear friend an old mentor of mine from another sim....

How did you become a house slave?

i saw how close everyone is an wanted to be part of it so i asked Sir Rubani to help me become house slave

What do you feel is the most important quality a Gentleman should have?

The most important to me is respect. He must respect us enough to read out profiles to know our hard limits to know about us.. to want to know more respect enough to not call us worthless or nothing but a slut ...good for nothing respect us to take time to get to know us do aftercare and not abuse us...

I believe that is best as long as there is respect then rest will come

Do you have a favourite place in Tempelhof?

The rooftops or the seal Island.... i love the views from the roof tops an can take great pics... an i love the ocean view from the seal island

And last but not least , do you have any advice for people who want to become a house slave?

To be themselves... if you are quiet an shy or vibrant and spunky... people will accept you better if you just be who you are an not what everyone wants you to be... it will make your life easier.. an you will have more fun.