Telos Journal January 2014 Bali Edition | Page 21

Out of idle curiosity, I'll try to track down one ‘Jo Sanzone’ (the mysterious Sicilian scribe, to wit) in NJ, and see what the search coughs up—HOMO PSYCHO-KILLER ON THE LOOSE, BEWARE, COVER YOUR ARSE, NOW!!! Not many encounters I regret, having lived here and elsewhere for so long, but you're surely one of 'em. The mere thought of your stubbly little face makes me shudder! BPL 10:05 am Dumb old ass. I just told my girlfriend about your psychopathic self-serving rant. She just said “I think he's gay,” and chuckled. What's your stupid little purpose old man? Fuck off. I'm not flattered… And this is the end of our correspondence, fruitful and not. I leave you in peace without hard feelings, and this quote from a better man than me: “A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something that he can understand” (Russell). Loving blessings, truly. Good luck and fare eternally well. -BG 6:36 pm Brannino, you go right to the heart, the nut, of your own literary inadequacies—you can quote the great and the grand, even the monstrous, but I suspect that beyond referencing some of the many fine minds from down the eons, you've rarely had an original thought of your own, about Life, The Universe, or Anything. Hence your writings continue to sound like the ungainly efforts of the struggling undergraduate, initially