Telos Journal January 2014 Bali Edition | Page 19

The E-mails of Bernard‘o’ ‘Bernardo’ is a British ex-pat in his sixties living in Bali. Occasionally one can find him standing in the middle of a street in khaki shorts, dark sunglasses, and fedora, lipping Bahasa Indonesia to shop keepers and tourists as if it was one of the romantic languages of the world, drunk yet eloquently sharp and somehow brilliant. He lives on a quieter street and doesn’t do much before 11 am. We had a couple nights of rowdy intellectualism and artful drinking. But, like most ex-pats living alone extensively in Bali, Bernardo went a little mad, and his behavior, which went from passive-aggressive mentor shifted to comparative freak-out. I don’t try to understand the madness of overfed weirdoes: they choose their plight. Below is his response after suspecting I was gay without actual justification and after reading a piece I wrote for a local Balinese print that was later published with Australian Natural Health, called Tao of Eating and Exercise, where I combined dietary and fitness knowledge with Taoist principles. The version I sent to him was admittedly thick with Taoist-type paradox and needed revision. Here we go… (A starry night in ex-pat Bali: a new concrete island paradise. Please imagine bilious beer, a smoky ribboned haze, the reassurance of BBC News, two swallowed pharmaceuticals, and everything else meticulously placed in the queer aim of edited life: a final request for perfection. We find the retired journalist wearing sunglasses and a straw hat at home, by himself. He is sitting at his desk, typing in a fit of new-age mentorship perhaps, and counseling an aspirant who gropes in the incessant professional dark—silently repeating to himself the comforting lessons of sages for none and all.)