Telos Journal Edition Three October 2013 | Page 18

capital game. They were called ‘losers’ even though they looked happier than the farmers, who were unremittingly churning out food for the masses despite the seasons. The orchestrators stepped in to mollify the misguided emotions. We reduced the number of unessential characters: some inspectors, and placed them at the end of the line. But since there was a heavy amount of buyers now on one side, many producers went patiently bankrupt from waiting for their products to get sold. They changed their positions and became middlemen and consumers. The game looked simply like this: a few producers producing enough products for many buyers down a short line of middlemen. This point raised some amount of curiosity, and a player warily raised her hand. “But why can’t some middlemen become producers?” she asked. Brows were furrowed, foreheads wrinkled, and thoughts of devolution drooped in the air. The orchestrator responded rather automatically: “Because it just doesn’t work that way. It’s easier this way and the buyers have grown accustomed to the same product. We don’t want them getting too picky after all we’ve been through, do we?” And all the eyes rolled back over to the game. Production and consumerism grinded on. The buyers demand Y [??X?Z]?Y ??X\\???X?????HHZY[Y[??H?\???Y????\?Z\??X?\??\?B?X???ZX?[H?YX?Y ?H^ [ZY[Y[???[?YH?[???^Y\???[??X?[??\?H?Y ]\??H?] [?[X?\?Y??X?\???XH?[ZX?[[?[??[Y[??[??YYXX?[?\?H????X?[?[??[???][??H?[Z\??Y?^H?\?H???ZY[??H[??X\?H???X?[?[?XYK?\?H?????Y?X?[HZY[????X?[???[\?H]?\????[?X?\?X[????][H???\??]YXY?\??H?[YHY??Y[?H?^??Y?] ?]?\??\??\???[?[??]?[H?[?Y??H??[?H??ZY[Y[??H??[?H??^Y\?????\?H?\??[?[??\?H?Z?[??Z\?^??Y?XY????[YH[?[\?\?[?H?Y?\??]][??H?[YH^\?Y?X?]\?K\?\?H?\?[?H[?HY?H????^Y\??[??HB??]???X?\??H??X???X?[YH[??X???^?X?H[??\?YH?Z\??Y?[?[????]][?[??[??[??????]\??\X\?HH??X?[?\?[X[? \?]??\?K?H??X??]?[?X[H?X?[YH[?Y\]X]H??Z]H?^Y\???&H?YY???[YB?[?Y???X?[]K??HX?\?]?H\??YZ?[?X?N?H?^Y\????HX?[]H?Y???H??X???[??HH?[YH?[]Y??\?X\??]?\?\??\??\?[???%K?K??]???X?\???ZY[Y[?[?H???^Y\???%?]\?[??H?[]]?HX?????[Y\??X[]?\??]H[??\??\?[????\?????X[[?[]H??Y[?HY??X?[[??[??[\H?H[XY?[?Y ??Y???]?[???X[?H[[?Y^Y\???]?\?\?H?X\?X?K???]?\?[\??H^\?[Y[?YH\H[?[??H?^Y\???X???^?YB?]X[]]]?H[?Y\]XX?H?H?\?H??X??[? ??YH[]\?[??K??YH?[??\?[K????Y?]Z\?[???X??[?H??[8?%?Y\??X?][??H?\???X?[]H??????