Cabbage Patch
Catherine Howell, a kitchen gardener at Preston
Park Museum and Grounds in Stockton, shares
her tips for success in the garden…
• As we move into high summer, plants will need
plenty of water. Watering is best done first thing
in the morning or last thing at night, otherwise it
will evaporate almost straight away. Avoid getting
the leaves of potatoes or tomatoes wet as this
could cause blight.
• Peas and some beans will require support as they
grow. We use our metal supports, but garden
canes and even pruned branches pushed into the
soil are fine. Tie up loosely with twine and make
sure your supports are stable enough to withstand
any summer breezes.
• Cabbage White butterflies will be searching for
egg-laying spots. If you haven’t already then now
is definitely the time to net your brassica plants.
Caterpillars can decimate a crop almost overnight,
so caution is essential!
he mild spring has meant all the
seeds we planted in March and
April have developed really well and
are now ready to be transplanted into the
vegetable beds as healthy, young plants.
We use cardboard toilet tubes to plant our
peas and beans – not only does this reduce
the use of plastic in the garden but it’s also
better for the plants too.
The cardboard tubes rot down in the
soil quickly, meaning that we don’t have to
disturb the roots, something the legumes
really don’t like.
We’ve been nibbling on the fresh young
broad beans, planted in February as they’re
hardy to frosts – they’re delicious!
The other beans and peas are not far off
being ready to eat, too. French and runner
beans are a good choice for novice gardeners
or those with limited space, as they grow
vertically. As an added bonus, they also bring
wildlife into your garden.
We tried to get ahead of the game this year
with our strawberries by planting some in
the greenhouse and are hoping to harvest
them in time for the midsummer garden
party planned for June (and Wimbledon, as
is tradition!).
The redcurrants and gooseberries are
ready, too; protected from the birds this year
by the new fruit cage.
Soft fruit is generally a great place to
start if you’re new to food growing. It
requires relatively little attention and freshly
harvested seasonal strawberries, raspberries
and currants are sublime. We’re eagerly
awaiting the arrival of the tree fruit harvest
too – cherries first (if we beat the birds!) and
then plums.
Now that the days are warmer, we have
been able to plant some of the more tender
vegetables directly outside. Our courgettes,
squashes and pumpkins and some of the
outdoor tomatoes and cucumbers are all
safely tucked into their new homes.
It’s still not too late to plant seeds and
expect a harvest – just check the back of the
seed packet for details. Radishes are quick,
easy and perfect for salads, or try chard,
similar to spinach.
he walled kitchen garden at
Preston Park Museum and
Grounds is open Tuesday to Sunday
(closed on Mondays except during
bank holidays and school holidays).
An adult ticket costs £2.50 and you
can visit as many times as you like
throughout the year.
The gardeners are happy to answer
any questions you may have and you
may even be lucky enough to pick up
some produce to take home – freshly
harvested and chemical free!